Personal Geography

These are three different types (artifact, perceptual, cognitive) of maps that show my route, my senses, and my thoughts to my first class. This project helped me get more comfortable with Illustrator and the pen tool. The only real problem I had with this project was figuring out the color scheme.



I had to design symbols for a topic that doesn’t really have classified symbols for it. I chose the subject of rock music. The three subtopics I chose were  the music itself, the diversity of rock, and lyrics of rock.Image

Scales: Constructivism

In this “Scale” project we had to make three compositions that respond to a chosen prompt, which was drawn out of a bag. We had to design them with an influence of constructivism art.Image    Q:Who is your favorite character from “Gone with the Wind”?Image     Q:Who is your favorite character form the bible?Image                    Q:What is sacred profane?

Scavenger Hunt

We had to create a series of six photographs, each with a distinct design element in common with the previous photo. The design elements are: Space, Line, Form, Shape, Value, Color, and Texture. Can you guess the element connections between each photo?



1-2 Space     2-3 Color     3-4 Shape     4-5 Texture     5-6 Space

Scales: Tactile

In this “Scale” project I had to make three compositions that respond to a chosen prompt, which was drawn out of a bag. These had to be photographed.


What happens after death?


Describe  a friend/someone you care about?


What is dating?

Design Culture Now

Design Culture Now was a fictional event which I was tasked with creating a poster for it. I went for a simple geometric, clean design. With this poster I learned how to tile and that you have to create many drafts before getting to the final idea.
