Material Study

I was assigned a material studies project in which I had to explore different materials. The ultimate goal of this project was to decide upon a material and create our own typeface from it. I experimented with light bulbs, sponges, and springs. I finally decided to choose sponges for my type because of their texture, color, and shape.

Scales: Constructivism

In this “Scale” project we had to make three compositions that respond to a chosen prompt, which was drawn out of a bag. We had to design them with an influence of constructivism art.Image    Q:Who is your favorite character from “Gone with the Wind”?Image     Q:Who is your favorite character form the bible?Image                    Q:What is sacred profane?

Scavenger Hunt

We had to create a series of six photographs, each with a distinct design element in common with the previous photo. The design elements are: Space, Line, Form, Shape, Value, Color, and Texture. Can you guess the element connections between each photo?



1-2 Space     2-3 Color     3-4 Shape     4-5 Texture     5-6 Space

Scales: Tactile

In this “Scale” project I had to make three compositions that respond to a chosen prompt, which was drawn out of a bag. These had to be photographed.


What happens after death?


Describe  a friend/someone you care about?


What is dating?